Self Referrals

Guide to Self Referrals

There is a range of health and social care services where patients and carers can self-refer themselves or their relatives. These self-referral pathways exist so patients can get the care and help they need quicker. In almost all cases the provider you see will inform the GP practice of the outcome of your encounter, so your medical records are kept up to date. Below is a range of services you can self-refer to.

This is not an exhaustive list – there are a range of services available to help the people of Greenwich. These are outlined fully in the Greenwich Community Directory. So please use the following link if the below services do not meet your needs – Greenwich Community Directory

For all antenatal care, your need to contact your local hospital directly.
Queen Elizabeth and Lewisham Hospital :
Contact Number :
Lewisham Hospital – 07824 307 657
Queen Elizabeth Hospital – 07503 249 925
Princess Royal University Hospital/Queen Mary’s Hospital Sidcup :
Darent Valley Hospital:
If you are pregnant and unsure whether or not you want to continue with the pregnancy, you can contact one of the three services below:
British Pregnancy Advisory Actionline
MSI Reproductive Choices 
National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service (NUPAS) 
CRUSE Bereavement :
VIA Greenwich offer treatment and support for Greenwich residents aged 18 or over
If you are experiencing problems in your first 16 weeks of pregnancy
Lewisham and Queen Elizabeth Hospital :
If you are having heavy bleeding and/or severe abdominal pain, or feeling dizzy, please go straight to your local Emergency Department.
Local opticians can assess for many common eye conditions. They can also prescribe and refer if necessary.
Greenwich Time to Talk (a free psychological counselling service for anxiety and depression):
Market Street Health Centre offer a free, confidential and friendly service for men, women and other, with advice and information on all methods of contraception, as well as screening, tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) for young people and adults.

Free condoms, lubricant and dental dams are available.